A very static badge.
Automatically link JIRA tickets if the branch name or PR title starts with a JIRA prefix.
Link preview environments in a Pull Request automatically based on the PR number
Show badge if PR reaches a certain size.
Display the status of your circleci project.
Display the status of your GitHub Action workflows.

Provide data as a QR code link
Access the author field from the raw webhook payload.
Ensure PR description contains required information.
Use basic JavaScript operation to enhance your badges
Author has no association with the repository. checkout the GitHub docs
Author has not previously committed to the repository. checkout the GitHub docs
Author has not previously committed to GitHub. checkout the GitHub docs
Author has previously committed to the repository. checkout the GitHub docs
Use JavaScript expressions to control whether or not a badge is shown.
A collection of all possible icons
Text on the left side of the badge.
Text on the right side of the badge.
If added, the badge will be wrapped with this URL.
The color for the badge. The default value is blue #0052CC
Icon string e.g. jira
or an url for external icon. Available icons
, apple
, appveyor
, atom
, awesome
, azure
, azurepipelines
, bitcoin-lightning
, bitcoin
, buymeacoffee
, chrome
, circleci
, cocoapods
, codacy
, codebeat
, codeclimate
, codecov
, codeship
, commonwl
, deepscan
, dependabot
, devrant
, discord
, dockbit
, docker
, eclipse
, firefox
, flow
, git
, gitguardian
, github
, gitlab
, gitter
, gnome
, goodreads
, googleplay
, graphql
, haskell
, java
, jira
, jsdelivr
, keybase
, kofi
, lgtm
, libraries
, mastodon
, maven
, medium
, now
, npm
, nuget
, packagephobia
, patreon
, peertube
, php
, pleroma
, postgresql
, pypi
, reddit
, rss
, ruby
, scrutinizer
, slack
, sonarqube
, sourcegraph
, telegram
, terminal
, terraform
, travis
, twitter
, typescript
, vercel
, visualstudio
, wiki
, windows
, zeit
The URL of the image.
JavaScript code that must be an expression (something which evaluates to a boolean). Example: $additions > 200
Raw webhook payload object from GitHub. Check out the webhook payload documentation for further information.
The number of this Pull Request.
Shorthand for: $payload.pull_request.number
The name of the branch where your changes are implemented.
Shorthand for: $payload.pull_request.head.ref
The branch name or Pull Request title issue prefix extracted when following the Naming Convention.
Name of the Pull Request author.
Shorthand for: $payload.pull_request.user.login
Indicates whether this Pull Request is a draft.
Shorthand for: $payload.pull_request.draft
The number of additions made in this Pull Request
Shorthand for: $payload.pull_request.additions
The number of deletions made in this Pull Request
Shorthand for: $payload.pull_request.deletions
Total number of commits
Shorthand for: $payload.pull_request.commits
Total number of changed files
Shorthand for: $payload.pull_request.changed_files
Name of the repository owner
Shorthand for: $payload.repository.owner.login
Name of the repository
Shorthand for: $
The repository slug eg. Codertocat/Hello-World
Shorthand for: $payload.repository.full_name